Anna Bakowski's profile

Science Project - Cool Cats

Science Exhibit Project
I created a science exhibit in spring semester 2021 explaining the process of how pointed cats develop color on their points (ears, face, paws, and tail.) The gene that causes pointing is temperature dependent, hence the name "Cool Cats." This was really fun for me not only because I love cats, but because I have a pointed cat and was able to use her as a reference for this exhibit.
iPad Application
Kitten "Birth Certificate"
I designed a certificate print-out for the end of the Build-a-Cat game. The kitten portrait and name will match the kitten created in the app, and the recipient will be able to write their own name on it after it is printed out.
I created an app for and iPad that would be located toward the end of the exhibit. Patrons will be able to use the app to create a digital cat, name it, and take a "birth certificate" home. Above is a video example of how the app would be used.
I wanted to create an item related to the exhibit that could be purchased at the gift store of the science center, and thought it should show the phases cats go through as their points develop. I settled on Russian nesting dolls and drew little cat bodies at different stages of their point color development.
I did a plethora of research on cat coat genetics, including this infographic that I found.
I also found different cats to use as models for my illustrations. The Burmese is my own cat, Rozalin.
There was a long process to figure out the best way to present my slides. It started with basic illustrations, and refining them to find a way to keep them true-to-life while also being fun to look at.
Science Project - Cool Cats

Science Project - Cool Cats
